Российский паразитологический журнал (Oct 2019)
Distribution of Intestinal Parasitic Protozoa in Young Growth Turkeys at Poultry Farms of Central Part of Russia
The purpose of the research is to study the distribution of intestinal parasitic protozoa in young growth turkeys of different age.Materials and methods. The studies had been conducted at three specialized turkey-grower units of Central part of Russia in 2018-2019. Birds of different age were opened up, excrement aliquots and scrapes from the floor were studied for determination of the degree of infection of young growth turkeys by intestinal parasitic protozoa. Coproscopic Fullebourn's and Darling's methods were used for studies. In the case of histomonosis in young growth turkeys the content of failed caecum and scrapings of mucous membrane were looking through dark field of microscope from two-days old. Smears were prepared by Romanowsky staining. In the case of cryptosporidiosis the excrements of ill young growth turkeys were studied according to direct smear Fullebourn's and Darling's method. Thin smear was made of excrements, and then dried, fixed by methylene blue, after that Ziehl–Neelsen stained with carbol fuchsin. In the case of eimeriosis excrements of different aged young growth turkeys were studied according to Darling's method. Carcases of different aged turkeys were studied to confirm histomonosis, cryptosporidiosis and eimeriosis according to above mentioned methods. In each of mentioned farms turkey at the age from 10 days had been examined once every 20 days by studying not less than 20 fresh excrements specimens and until full completion of technological cycle (150-155 days). The intensity of eimeriosis infection was measured by calculation the amount of oocysts per 1 g of poults’ excrements using McMaster's chamber under the microscope MBE.Results and discussion. At the commercial poultry farms young growth turkeys of different age is infected by intestinal parasitic protozoa: Eimeria spp. on 5–20% in the case of low infection intensity, by Cryptosporidiumbaileyi on 10%. The degree of infection by eimeriosis was 33.3–100% at farms without clear prescription of anticoccidial drugs.