Cultura de los Cuidados (Jun 2012)

Nursing discipline perspective on St. Peter Claver's work

  • Juan Guillermo Rojas,
  • José Siles González

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 0, no. 27
pp. 54 – 60


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Nursing historical development has been closely linked to human history, because care of life and health have been essential activities in necessities supply process. Nursing historical count, refers to facts, events and important figures that in different contexts have marked patterns for professional development. Nowadays, nursing history teaching and learning became very important as a strategy to advance towards future with acknowledge of social and political background which have brought about nursing survival, development and advance as profession and discipline. In this paper, a description about Father Pedro Claver actions during his stay at Colonial Cartagena and an analysis are carried out, by means of epistemologic framework with the purpose to determine his philosophical perspective on care given to black slaves, and that have influenced throughout the time Colombian nursing development.
