LingVaria (Dec 2015)
Filologiczne wydanie Rozmyślania przemyskiego a czeski Život Krista Pána
A philological edition of Rozmyślanie przemyskie and the Czech Život Krista Pána The goal of the paper is to evaluate the editorial decisions made by the editors of the only transcribed philological edition of Rozmyślanie przemyskie (the so-called Freiburg edition), by confronting it with the text of Život Krista Pána, a Czech apocrypha preserved in several copies the oldest of which dates back to the first half of the 14th century. The basis for the analysis are materially and linguistically similar fragments of both apocrypha. The presented survey not only validates or questions various editorial decisions, but also once again shows that a transcription of an Old Polish text is to a considerable extent its interpretation, and that designing such a transcription is an unusually difficult task which requires a large amount of work and a specific set of skills.