Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas (Oct 2022)
Verrucous carcinoma, an unusual variant of laryngeal tumor
Introduction: Verrucous carcinoma is an uncommon variant of a well differentiated squamous carcinoma that lacks cytological features of malignancy and is often slow-growing, infiltrative, but not metastatic. Objective: To identify the clinical, histopathologic and therapeutic aspects of an unusual variant of laryngeal tumor. Case presentation: A 78-year-old male patient who attended the otorhinolaryngology consultation at “Enrique Cabrera” General Teaching Hospital with dysphonia is reported as a new case of Verrucous carcinoma. Indirect laryngoscopy was performed and an exophytic lesion suggestive of neoplasia was detected. Three biopsies were taken, but only the last one was useful to diagnose a Verrucous carcinoma. It was treated with radiation and surgery. The patient has a disease-free survival after eight years of follow-up. Conclusions: Deep biopsies performed by a skillful pathologist are necessary to reach the diagnosis of Verrucous carcinoma. Emphasis is placed on the importance of working in the context of a multidisciplinary team.