Bulletin du Centre de Recherche du Château de Versailles (Oct 2017)

L’étiquette dans les palais du Premier Empire : enjeux mobiliers et représentation(s)

  • Mathieu Caron



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This article aims to stress on the links between the Imperial Household’s Etiquette from 1805 and the official apartments’ furbishing. How the practices relative to furniture follow the new rules defined by the Etiquette? Re-established in 1805, the Imperial Household’s Etiquette relies on the Ancien Régime’s tradition and official furnishings are placed under supervision of the restored Garde-Meuble. The Etiquette fixes all terms of hierarchy: between residences, apartments, officials, furniture to suit the principles of representation, pageantry and convenience. Placed under responsibility of the Grand Maréchal du Palais, the Intendant general de la Maison de l’Empereur, and the Administrateur du Garde-Meuble, it is the story of a global refurbishment following the new Etiquette’s rules that we are pleased to tell here.
