Управленческое консультирование (Dec 2022)
Political Aspects of International Cooperation in Space
The article discusses the role of international cooperation in relation to advanced space programs, especially in the interests of developing countries. Options for international cooperation in space projects such as the ISS and the Tiangong space station. The author of the calculation that China’s defense space project, the Tiangong space station, is a promising area of cooperation between Russia and China. To implement this project, China is emphasizing global cooperation and inviting more advanced space nations to release large amounts of hydrocarbons. In addition, China provides an opportunity to participate in long-term countries in the interest of greater international cooperation. The purpose of this international study is to analyze the situation in the field of relations in the field of space, as well as a forecast on the implementation of promising space projects and the development of international space cooperation. The methodological component of the study of systemic, functional, comparable, normative-value, as well as prognostic methods. The author also came to the conclusion that the current geopolitical situation requires immediate decision-making on making decisions on amending most international acts.