Zbornik Radova: Pravni Fakultet u Novom Sadu (Jan 2016)
Influence of digitalization on labour relations
Modern information technology has brought a real revolution in all areas of life and work. The degree of 'digitization' is so great that some authors call this process 'digital revolution', and modern economy - 'digitized economy.' Although it is not so obvious, gradualy is forming a new society - 'digital capitalism'. For 'virtual employers', in the new - 'virtual economy', work 'digital workers' who are mainly invisible and deprived of their labour rights. That's why some call them - 'digital proletariat'. Labour law is slowly adapting to the new circumstances. An increasing number of people remain unprotected or poorly protected. It is necessary to completely re-examine and update the traditional concept of labor law, by expanding access of the labour law to the 'digital workers', modernizing the concept of employment, of an employee, worker, self-employee and employer. Digital technology should be converted into a 'fellow worker' (worker friendly) and not a tool of a new form of exploitation. Otherwise, modern 'digitalized society' will turn into a 'community of rightless,' without social and economic perspective.