Geotechnics (Oct 2024)
Strong-Motion-Duration-Dependent Power Spectral Density Functions Compatible with Design Response Spectra
The development of a suitable set of input ground motions is crucial for dynamic time history analyses. The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) requires that these motions generate response spectra closely matching the plant’s design spectrum. Additionally, the NRC recommends verifying the motions’ power spectral densities (PSDs) against a target function to ensure sufficient energy across all frequencies. Current NRC guidelines in Standard Review Plan (SRP) provide a general method for creating target PSDs for any design spectrum. However, this method does not explicitly consider the influence of strong motion duration on the relationship between PSD and response spectrum. This article proposes an improved approach that incorporates the expected strong motion duration into the target PSD generation process. The method first constructs a Fourier amplitude spectrum (FAS) compatible with both the design spectrum and the expected strong motion duration. Subsequently, a large set of synthetic motions based on this FAS is used to construct the target PSD function. It is shown that current target PSD functions tabulated in SRP 3.7.1 implicitly infer an expected strong motion duration of approximately 9 s. The proposed method can be used to construct target PSDs tailored to different strong motion durations.