Cultura de los Cuidados (Sep 2017)
The movement of Piaui women for their professional education as nurses 1959 -1973
The study aimed to describe the struggle of Piauí women for their training as nurses in other Brazilian states. It is a social-historical research produced from oral and secondary sources. Data were analyzed according to the concepts of social space, field, capital, symbolic power, struggle and symbolic violence of Pierre Bourdieu. The results show the symbolic struggles in the training process of these women do Piauí, mostly at universities in the Northeast. When conducting the nursing course outside the state, these young people had a set of embedded knowledge, which combined with the diversity of cultures promoted the gain scientific and cultural capital. In conclusion, the fights undertaken by these women resulted in symbolic and social gains as well the incorporation of professional habitus. The study will contribute to the history of nursing in the construction of new records, and open doors to new research on the subject.