Türk Nöroloji Dergisi (Apr 2004)
Adaptation And Norm Determination Study Of The Functional Activities Questionnaire (FAQ) On Turkish Adults (Ages 50 And Over)
Objectives: Daily living activities are generally impaired in dementia and have to be assessed by standardized instruments. The Agency for Health Care Policy and Research recommends the Functional Activities Questionnaire (FAQ) as a particularly useful method for initial assessment of functional impairment. The FAQ is a brief, informant-based questionnaire that evaluates performance based on ten complex activities of daily living. The aim of the present study is to determine the normative values for a FAQ on Turkish adult sample between ages 50 and over. Material and Method: The present study consists of two phases: Translation/ adaptation and standardization. In the first phase, the questionnaire was translated into Turkish and the FAQ items were adapted to Turkish culture. In the second phase, the trained clinicians administered the new form to the subjects (usually a family member) who have substantial personal knowledge of the adult’s prior and current behavior. Mini Mental State Exam (MMSE) and Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) scores were used as inclusion criteria for healthy elderly adults. The research sample consists of 213 healthy subjects and their family members. The research sample consists of 213 subjects (109 female, 104 male). A 3x3x2 (age: 50-59 / 60-69 / 70 and over) x education (5- 8 years / 9-11 years / 12 years and over) x sex (female / male) factorial design was used in the analysis. Results: The 3x3x2 factorial ANOVA revealed a significant main effect of age and education for the total FAQ score. Main effect of sex was not significant. No interaction effect (age x sex, age x education, sex x education and age x sex x education) on FAQ scores was statistically significant. Discussion: This study provides normative data for a psychometric tool that reliably measures the activities of daily living in normal healthy subjects. It further demonstrates the necessity of considering age and education when assessing the activities of daily living. It should be the material of future research to extend the standardization on the FAQ.