Iranian Journal of Pathology (Apr 2018)

Non Secretory Multiple Myeloma With HCV Infection: A Rare Case Entity

  • Arun Puri,
  • Heena Wadhwa,
  • Navtej Singh

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 13, no. 2
pp. 281 – 284


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Multiple Myeloma is a neoplasm of B cell lineage characterized by excessive proliferation of abnormal plasma cells. It is characterized by a clinical pentad of 1) anemia, 2) a monoclonal protein in the serum or the urine or both, 3) bone leisons and or bone pain, 4) hypercalcemia >11.5g/dl and 5) renal insufficiency. Non secretory multiple myeloma is a rare variant of the classic form of multiple myeloma and accounts for 1% to 5 % of all cases of multiple myeloma. The clinical presentation and radiographic findings of non-secretory multiple myeloma and multiple myeloma are the same. The diagnosis of multiple myeloma requires the demonstration of monoclonal gammopathy in the serum or urine. In non-secretory multiple myeloma, however no such gammopathy can be demonstrated, making the diagnosis more difficult. We describe a 60 year old woman who initially presented with back pain which when further investigated by complete blood count revealed hemoglobin of 13g/dl, Total Leukocyte Count of 10,890 and platelet count of 1.5 lac/cmm. Viral markers revealed HCV positive. Hypercalcemia with a serum calcium level of 12.5g/dl was also demonstrated. MRI revealed multiple lytic bony lesions. No monoclonal gammopathy was found in the serum or urine and bone marrow biopsy showed marked plasmacytosis of > 45%. We present a case of Non Secretory multiple myeloma because of its illusive nature and rare entity.
