Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia (Jan 2011)

Fondazione dell'etica e materia del dovere in Edmund Husserl

  • Federica Buongiorno

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 2, no. 1
pp. 32 – 40


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Husserl's Foudation of Ethics and the Matter of Duty - This papers examines Edmund Husserl’s ethical thought in order to investigate the problem of the foundation of ethics in relation to the individuation of a possible matter fulfilling the empty form of duty. As a starting point for the analysis, I consider two lecture courses held by Husserl: the Vorlesungen über Ethik und Wertlehre (1908/1914) and the Einleitung in die Ethik (1920/1924). I shall try to outline the complexity of the ethical problem in its phenomenological form, considering some internal problems in Husserl's thought concerning the way he tries to develop a foundation for ethics and to identify a possible matter of duty.
