Материалы по археологии и истории античного и средневекового Крыма (Dec 2017)
Торговля на Среднеднестровском Левобережье в IX—XIII вв. / Trade in the Dniester River Left Bank Middle Region in 9th — 13th centuries
The subject of study are trade relations in the 9th — 13th centuries. in the South of Eastern Europe, or, more precisely, in one of the regions of Ancient Rus — on the Left bank of the Middle Dniester within the Khmelnytsky region of Ukraine. Considerable attention was paid to the identification of trade routes passing through this territory. In the course of the research, the facts that were suitable for covering trade relations in the region in the 9th — 11th centuries were summarized and investigated. As a result, I concluded that trade in the region predominantly had the form of commodity exchange. And it involved the population of settlements of various social types. It was established that from the region, primarily agricultural products and fisheries were exported: fur, honey, wax, and fish.