Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation (Jan 2009)

In This Issue

  • Chris L. S. Coryn

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 6, no. 11


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Welcome to the first issue of the Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation (JMDE) for 2009, which marks our sixth year of publication. Not too bad for an online journal with no financial resources! With this issue, we are delighted to welcome the newest member of our editorial team, Lori Wingate. Lori is the book review section editor for the American Journal of Evaluation and a doctoral candidate in Western Michigan University’s Interdisciplinary Ph.D. in Evaluation program. She has been a staff member at The Evaluation Center for almost a dozen years and has worked closely with many of the field’s luminaries, including E. Jane Davidson, Arlen Gullickson, James Sanders, Michael Scriven, and Daniel Stufflebeam. Lori’s official role on the JMDE editorial staff is as its copy editor and she was brought on to assist with assuring that papers published in JMDE meet the highest standards of quality. In this role, Lori will work directly with authors whose papers have undergone peer review and been accepted for publication to improve the formatting, style, clarity, and accuracy of their manuscripts. Please join me in welcoming Lori.
