Pizhūhishnāmah-i Iqtiṣād-i Inirzhī-i Īrān (Apr 2013)

Price Leadership and Collusion Models in Gas Cartel with Use of Genetic Algorithm

  • shahram golestani,
  • majid hatefi majvmar,
  • omolbanin jalali

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 2, no. 6
pp. 151 – 182


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The study has calculated the price path, extraction path and discounted profit for GECF and fringe group with use of genetic algorithm on the basis of Price leadership and collusion models. In this regard, members of "Gas Exporting Countries Forum" have been considered as a pricing cartel and other producers as the fringe group. For this purpose, annual data (1980-2010) is used for forecasting of studied trends up to year 2070.the result from price leadership model show that world gas demand Increases linearly over the time and it Increases exponentially. On this basis the supply of fringe group also grows increasingly, and the cartels supply (that is the margin between world demand and fringe supply) grows decreasingly. The results from collusion solution indicates that extraction trend is slower in compared with the price leadership solution and the price and profit in collusion solution is more than price leadership solution.
