Revista de Saúde Pública ()

Body weight changes in the NutriNet Brasil cohort during the covid-19 pandemic

  • Caroline dos Santos Costa,
  • Eurídice Martínez Steele,
  • Maria Alvim Leite,
  • Fernanda Rauber,
  • Renata Bertazzi Levy,
  • Carlos Augusto Monteiro



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ABSTRACT This study describes body weight changes among participants of the NutriNet Brasil cohort (n = 14,259) during the covid-19 pandemic. We analyzed data reported before the pandemic onset (01/26/2020 to 03/18/2020) and about six months after (09/14/2020 to 10/19/2020). Our results show that 19.7% of the participants gained ≥ 2 kg. Weight gain was directly associated with male gender, lower education, and previous presence of overweight, and inversely associated with age. In turn, 15.2% lost ≥ 2kg, being directly associated with male gender and previous presence of overweight and inversely associated with age.
