Utbildning & Demokrati (Oct 2021)
Levd demokrati og deliberativ, didaktisk praksis. En studie i lys av kapabilitetstilnærmingen
Lived democracy and the didaktik of deliberative practice. A study in the lens of the Capability Approach. In this article, we examine the relationship between lived democracy and education. We ask what didactic practices need to be established, so that people can deliberatively participate in society. We answer the question by explaining some key approaches to education for deliberative democracy that reflect the Northern European mindset. Furthermore, we draw an empirically based democratic map on education for democracy. In the second part of the article, we elaborate on the relationship between education for capability development and lived democracy and discuss the relationship between the capability approach (CA) and deliberative democracy. We present input for a didactic practice for lived democracy based on the principles of the capability approach. Finally, we discuss whether these principles can be highlighted as a possible approach for understanding the latest curriculum reform (LK20) in Norway.