Sociologie Românească (Nov 2020)

Rezonanțe gustiene: legături istorice, epistemologice și de destin între sociologie și antropologie

  • Gheorghiță Geană

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 18, no. 2


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In the interwar period of time, a team of four to six biological anthropologists headed by Francisc Rainer attended the monographical researches in the framework of Dimitrie Gusti’s Sociological School. After war, while sociology was abolished by the communist political regime, anthropology survived under the leadership of the physician Ștefan Milcu, an ex-member of Rainer’s team. As Director of the Anthropological Research Centre, Milcu took over the idea of monographical research ‒ this time from a bioanthropological perspective. However, he invited to researches a few social scientists to cover some aspects of demography, family studies, ethnography etc. Among them, especially Traian Herseni and Vasile Caramelea (under the protection identity of “demographer”, “or statistician”) produced outstanding contributions to the monographs of the villages Clopotiva, Bătrîna, Nucșoara & Cîmpu lui Neag ‒ all of them in the district of Hațeg, an ancient county of great importance for understanding the genesis of the Romanian people. A collateral super-effect of this activity was the foundation ‒ în 1964, at Vasile Caramelea’s initiative ‒ of the Section of cultural anthropology in the organization of the Anthropological Research Centre. This inauguration is interpreted again as “an adequate illustration of Thomas Kuhn’s theory about the changing of paradigm în science” (Geană, 2014b).
