Jurnal Teknik Sipil (Dec 2016)
Penerapan Konsep Vehicle Routing Problem dalam Kasus Pengangkutan Sampah di Perkotaan
Cities in developing countries still operate a traditional waste transport and handling where rubbish were collected at regular intervals by specialized trucks from curb-side collection or transfer point prior to transport them to a final dump site. The problem are worsening as some cities experience exhausted waste collection services because the system is inadequately managed, fiscal capacity to invest in adequate vehicle fleets is lacking and also due to uncontrolled dumpsites location. In this paper problem of waste collection and handling is formulated based on Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem Time Window Multiple Depo Intermediete Facility (CVRPTWMDIF). Each vehicle was assigned to visit several intermediate transfer points, until the truck loading or volume capacity reached then waste are transported to final landfill or dump site. Finally all trucks will return to a depot at the end of daily operation. Initially the solution of CVRPTWMDIF problem was tested on a simple hypothetical waste handling before being implemented into a real case problem. Solutions found using CVRPTWMDIF compared with the practice of waste transport and handling in the city of Bandung. Based on a common hours of operation and the same number of transport fleets, it was found that CVRPTWMDIF can reduce the volume of waste that is not transported by almost half by the end of the daily operations.