口腔疾病防治 (Nov 2016)
Measurement of labial alveolar bone thickness of Angle ClassⅡDivision 2 patients in maxillary anterior region with cone⁃beam CT
Objective The aim of this study is to measure the labial alveolar bone thickness of the Angle Ⅱ,Divi⁃ sion 2 patients and healthy adults with CBCT technique, in order to provide reference for clinical dental orthodontic de⁃ sign. Methods Sixty cases were consecutively selected from the Fourth Affiliated Hospital outpatients of Inner Mongo⁃ lia Medical College. They were divided into the case group and control group. Each group contains 30 patients (15 men and 15 women). CBCT was used to scan maxillofacial region and 3D models were made on computer, software was used to measure labial alveolar bone thickness in three points of the teeth (the root, central and apical). Analyze the result fi⁃ nally. Results There was no significant difference between contralateral teeth. There was significant difference be⁃ tween the Angle Ⅱ, Division 2 patients and control group in different gender. There was significant difference between the case and control group in the thickness of incisor L1, L3, lateral incisor of L1, L3 and canine of L1, L2, L3. Conclu⁃ sions There is no difference in the thickness of labial alveolar bone wall of the same tooth in both groups. Maxillary anterior labial bone wall of male is thicker than female in both groups. The maxillary anterior region of labial bone of Angle Ⅱ, Division 2 patients is thinner than normal adults in thecontrol group.