Фармакокинетика и Фармакодинамика (Dec 2020)

BDNF level role in formation of cognitive violations at middle-aged persons

  • E. G. Pepelyaev,
  • V. A. Semenov,
  • O. A. Gromova

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 0, no. 2
pp. 37 – 41


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Relevance: the problem of cognitive violations at middle-aged persons with stenoziruyushchy atherosclerosis of brakhiotsefalny arteries and interrelation between the BDNF level and cognitive violation at this group of persons is considered. Materials and methods: 50 patients whose average age 52 years with displays of stenoziruyushchy atherosclerosis of brakhiotsefalny arteries took part in research. The control group included 50 people with average age of 50 years without symptoms of atherosclerosis of brakhiotsefalny arteries. To all patients neuropsychological testing and research of the BDNF level was conducted. Results: on the basis of our supervision, it is expedient to consider the revealed features of cognitive violations at patients of middle age, haemo dynamic characteristics, level of maintenance of BDNF in blood plasma at dodementny stages of tserebrovaskulyarny frustration at inspection and planning of approaches to treatment of patients with this pathology.
