Türk Kültürü ve Hacı Bektaş Velî Araştırma Dergisi (Mar 2024)
Within the framework of this article, the lodges and tombs built in and around the province of Gilan will be discussed. In this context, it has been tried to determine the lodges that have survived to the present day in the region, primarily with the published sources and the data obtained as a result of the survey and interview. As a result of the data obtained, it has been determined that some of the lodges, which have documents and information about their existence, have survived to the present day in their original form, and some have been rebuilt. After giving information about the physical conditions of the buildings, the distribution of these dervish lodges among the sects, as well as the determination of the rituals performed during the visit, the purposes of the visit, the times of the visit and the compilation of the legends constitute the main lines of this study. Dervish lodges and tombs of visit, which are called by various names such as mausoleums, tombs, tombs, are not only material culture elements, but also cultural heritage. Evliyâ Çelebi, who visited Kosovo in the 17th century, states that there were Bektashi lodges. Some sources indicate that the Khalwati order is one of the most widespread sects in Kosovo. There are many sects in Kosovo such as Mevlevi, Bektashi, Kadiri, Sa’di, Rifai, Halveti and Melami. In Gjilan, mostly Sa’di, Halvet and Rifai sects developed. However, according to some sources, there are traces of the Kadiri sect in Gjilan. During our research, we determined that there are 7 lodges belonging to different sects, three in Gjilan and one each in Topolniçe, Kitka, Dajniça, Rogoçica, Marevc, Cürişevc, Novobırda and Budriga villages, a total of eleven tombs