Berkala Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi (May 2019)

Produktivitas pengarang dan pertumbuhan artikel bidang arkeologi dalam Jurnal Kapata Arkeologi tahun 2005-2017

  • Bayu Indra Saputro,
  • Puspitaningrum Timur Utami

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 15, no. 1
pp. 10 – 20


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Introduction. The productivity of scientific journals in Indonesia is still relatively low compared to other ASEAN countries. This study aims to determine author's productivity patterns as well as the growth trend of archaeological articles in the journal of Kapata Arkeologi published by Balai Arkeologi Maluku within the range from 2005 to 2017. Data Collection Method. The method used in this research was descriptive quantitative, to examine the author's contribution in generating field of Archeology, understand the pattern of author's productivity by testing against the enactment of Lotka's Law and provide an overview of patterns of development publications by Kapata Archeologi. Analysis Data. The author's productivity analysis used Lotka's Law and statistical testing by Kolmogrov-Seminorv. Results and Discussions. The productivity pattern showed that authors published one article was 32.58%, 2 articles were 17.44% - meaning that more than a quarter of the author produced 1 article. The author who contributed most in Kapata Arkeologi was Wuri Handoko who has published 29 articles. Among other sub fields, Archaeological History articles are the most widely published article with a total of 76 articles. Conclusions. The productivity level of Kapata Archeology journal authors is very high. Further bibliometric analysis related to the collaboration of authors is needed.
