مجلة العلوم التربوية (Jul 2024)
The ICT Competencies Required for the General Education Teachers from the Computer Teachers’ Viewpoints
This study aims to explore the viewpoints of computer teachers about the ICT competencies required for general education teachers in the State of Qatar. A questionnaire was designed, validated, and administered to a sample consisted of 504 male and female computer teachers. The results revealed the following: There are differences in the levels of importance in the three areas of the general education teachers’ ICT competencies according to the computer teachers’ viewpoints, ordered as follows: Operating System & Software, Internet & E-learning, and Computer Hardware & Accessories. No significant differences were found between the variables of the study: (gender, years of experience, academic qualifications, and education levels of computer teachers). And an interaction between the variables in the area of Operating System & Software was found. A significant difference was found between the male & female in favor of female computer teachers in the area of computer hardware & accessories. No significant difference was found between the other variables of the study in this area, and no significant differences were found between the interactions of the variables of the study in this area. A significant difference was found between years of experience in favor of the computer teachers who have more than 20 years of teaching experience in the area of Internet & E-learning, and no significant difference was found between the other variables of the study in this area. A significant difference was found between the interactions of the variables of qualifications & the years of experience in favor of the years of experience in this area, and no significant differences were found between the interactions of other variables of this study in this area. The results were interpreted and some recommendations and further studies were suggested.