Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals (Sep 2021)
EU policies for preventing violent extremism: a new paradigm for action?
This article presents a supranational perspective on the prevention of violent extremism (PEV) with the aim of ascertaining whether a new paradigm for action can be identified. To this end, it critically analyses EU policies, measures, and strategies that have been developed in the context of the threats and challenges posed by radicalisation and violent extremism. It explores how the approach adopted by the EU, originating in its 2005 counter-terrorism strategy, has entailed the need to create tools, strategies, programmes and networks to inspire and encourage member states to produce policies and instruments in order to prevent and combat radicalisation which could lead to violent extremism. Finally, it formulates the hypothesis that adopting this “soft approach” will probably influence, in the long term, strategies and measures that go beyond the security framework.