Georeview (Nov 2024)

Urban sprawl and accessibility to secondary schools in the city of Korhogo (north of Ivory Coast)

  • Wanlo Innocents SIYALI,
  • Bi Marie Richard Nicétas ZOUHOULA,
  • Bara Charlotte SORO

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 34, no. 2
pp. 32 – 41


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The formation of Ivorian human capital requires school equipment in all towns in the country, including Korhogo located in the north. After six decades of urban sprawl in this city, the question of a balanced network of educational establishments arises. This study defines the areas of influence of public secondary establishments and the conditions of accessibility of said establishments. The methodology followed begins with documentary research which refines the notion of accessibility. It ends with a field survey which allows us to consult students in public establishments from a sample of 2,144 individuals (1/10 of the total number of students in public establishments). Ultimately, the study specifies that public secondary schools have coverage areas with a radius of 3.5 km on average, which does not cover all sectors of the city despite the overlapping of the concentric circles of these areas. Also, their accessibility is limited by the variables distance, mode of travel and educational orientation. In this context, the school map remains favorable to the promotion of private investment in the field
