Медицинский вестник Юга России (Mar 2022)
Self-monitoring of blood glucose in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus from the standpoint of evidence-based medicine
According to clinical guidelines self-monitoring of blood glucose is a part of the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus. However, self-monitoring of glycemia is associated with signifi cant costs. Th at’s why the issue if there is a possibility to decrease the use of self-monitoring of blood glucose is actual. Since the United Kingdom Prospective Study (UKPDS) showed that every 1% decrease in glycated hemoglobin leads to a 37% decrease in the risk of microvascular complications and 14% decrease in the risk of macrovascular complications as well as it leads to a decrease in mortality, the article mainly examined the eff ect of selfmonitoring on the level of glycated hemoglobin in various clinical situations.