Analele Universităţii Constantin Brâncuşi din Târgu Jiu : Seria Economie (Aug 2014)
This paper aims to conduct a comparative study on national, European and international accounting rules in the field of accounting profession’s organization and exertion. The first step of this scientific approach is positioning the general area of research chosen within the scientific theory in accounting regulations. Our scientific approach seeks to explain through a thorough and detailed approach the different aspects (conceptual and practical) of accounting regulations while seeking solutions regarding the evolution of their regulatory frame and practices in the field. Throughout the paper are to be found various concepts, regulations and practices in the field, in an interpretative manner, the point of view adopted by us being neutral, but also critical, since we get involved in the research from a private and personal perspective. In terms of methodology and research perspective, the whole scientific approach has combined the qualitative research with the quantitative one and the theoretical (descriptive-conceptual) perspective with the practical one by analyzing the most important contributions of various Romanian and foreign authors to scientific knowledge in the field, respecting the coordinates based on which the accounting rules are addressed internationally and nationally. Throughout the paper we used a wide range of research methods among which we highlight: document analysis, comparative method and typological method, non-participatory and participatory observation. Transversal researches aim the comparative analysis of different viewpoints, the theoretical and technical aspects regarding accounting regulations, while longitudinal researches take into account while analyzing the evolution of scientific knowledge in the field of global, European and national relevant accounting regulations.