Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d’Anthropologie de Paris (Jul 2022)
Analyse de la structure génétique et patronymique de la France métropolitaine (XIXe-XXe siècles)
This article seeks to compare genetic and patronymic diversity in mainland France. To do so, we discuss the small number of population genetics surveys that were carried out from the 20th century to the present day with the aim of describing the genetic diversity of mainland France as a whole. We highlight their present-day limitations, which result from their insufficient geographical coverage, the limited number of genetic systems included and/or the use of unsatisfactory methods of representation. To overcome these various drawbacks, our proposal is to use surnames as a substitute for genes, the advantages of this approach being their pattern of transmission, their huge number and their known frequency, down to the smallest administrative level across the whole of French territory and over several generations. The statistical results show the existence of strong patronymic disparities between the north and the south of France, and between the central and peripheral areas. The different patterns highlighted are closely linked to geographical proximity, but also to genetic, linguistic or dialectal variations, as well as to historical relationships with neighbouring countries.