Biomedical Photonics (Jan 2013)
Intraoperative photodynamic therapy for nonorgan retroperitoneal tumors
The results of treatment in 17 patients with morphologically confirmed resectable primary or recurrent retroperitoneal tumor using intraoperative photodynamic therapy with photogem (5 patients), radaсhlorin (7 patients) and photodithazine (5 patients). The drugs were administered intravenously in following regimen: photogem 48 h before surgery in dose 2.5–3.0 mg/kg, radaсhlorin and photodithazine – 0.7 and 0.7–1.0 mg/kg, respectively, 2–3 h before resection. Irradiation was performed to tumor bed after complete radical removal from one or several positions depending on tumor localization. The light dose accounted for 30 J/cm2, duration of treatment session depended on area of irradiation. Two patients with recurrent tumor had two reoperations with session of photodynamic therapy. One patient had repeated recurrence requiring third surgery with photodynamic therapy. Thus, 17 patients underwent 25 sessions of intraoperative photodynamic therapy. There were no intraoperative complications. One patient had an early post-operative complication in the form of pancreonecrosis which could be associated with extended resection. The recurrence rate was 17.6%. The results showed safety of the method and affinity of utilized photosensitizers to retroperitoneal tumors of different histological types (sarcoma, gastrointestinal stromal tumor and others).