Gaceta Sanitaria (Jan 2021)

Antenatal care parameters that are the risk factors in the event of preeclampsia in primigravida

  • S.T. Rahmawati Hamzah,
  • Aminuddin,
  • Irfan Idris,
  • Muhammad Rachmat

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 35
pp. S263 – S267


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Objective: This study aimed to analyze the parameters of antenatal care, which becomes a risk factor against the incidence of preeclampsia in primigravidae in Kolaka. Methods: The study uses case–control studies (case–control), which use a retrospective approach. The population in this study were all primigravida pregnant women recorded in the medical records at the BLUD Hospital. HM Djafar Harun as many as 5796 women and BLUD Benyamin Guluh Hospital as many as 5065 women. The sample in this case group is the primary mother Gravida, who suffered from preeclampsia from January 2014 to September 2018, and the control group was primigravida mothers who did not suffer from preeclampsia in the same period. Results: The results showed that the age of primigravida mothers 14–28 years had a risk of 1.581 times more significant for having preeclampsia than the age group 29–49 years with CI (1.186–2.108), the incidence of hypertension in trimester 1 in primigravida mothers had a risk of 3.405 times greater for preeclampsia than mothers without a history of hypertension in trimester 1 with CI (2.164–5.358), irregular antenatal visits are 1.095 times more likely to develop preeclampsia than regular antenatal visits with CI (0.799–1.539), weight gain primigravida maternal body 1–10 kg 1.540 times greater risk of developing preeclampsia than 10–20 kg of weight gain with CI (1.074–2.207), pregnancy checks according to Antenatal Care non-compliant care standards are 1.333 times more likely to develop preeclampsia than primigravida mothers who obediently do the inspection antenatal care with CI (0.970–1.831). Conclusion: Variables that are very risky with preeclampsia in primigravida mothers based on multivariate analysis are the hypertension incidence in the first trimester with an OR: 3.363 with a CI value of 2.126 and a lower value of 5.318.
