Scienze del Territorio (Dec 2020)

Housing collaborativo e prospettive creative: scenari per la città a venire

  • Lorenza Perini



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The new and uncertain times into which the Covid pandemic has thrown us make it clear that we need to rethink the way we live in the city, in our neighborhood, and even in the interior spaces of our homes. How this change should take place is not entirely clear, nor should we expect a standard recipe. Certainly, the direction to follow is that of an increasing sustainability – in all the meanings that this word can assume – environmental, economic, social sustainability. Not necessarily this direction points straight out of the city and into the countryside villages, as many of the current speeches seem to support. In this paper, we want to talk about different and creative ideas for a sustainable and socialized living, in the direction of a sharing of services and functions, using also an historical perspective for setting up scenarios and contexts of possible practices.
