Consilium Medicum (Aug 2023)
Inflammatory bowel disease in patients with systemic juvenile arthritis: Case report
Systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis (SJIA) accounts for 10–15% of juvenile arthritis cases. The incidence of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is generally higher in SJIA patients than in the general pediatric population; however, the association of IBD with SJIA is rare. Among 65 patients with SJIA managed in two pediatric rheumatology centers, IBD was detected in 3 patients 3, 8, and 10 years from the SJIA onset. The clinical presentation of IBD in patients with SJIA is rather scanty; the diagnosis is mainly based on the colonoscopy and biopsy results. In 2 patients, Crohn's disease was diagnosed, and undifferentiated colitis in 1 patient.