Geodetski Vestnik (Jan 2008)
Geodezija in direktiva INSPIRE : Geodesy And INSPIRE Directive
SI: Direktiva Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta EU INSPIRE je bila sprejeta 24. aprila 2008 in je začela veljati 15. maja 2008. Zdaj se končuje obdobje njenega prenosa v pravni red držav članic in se začenja njeno izvajanje. Direktiva INSPIRE ureja izhodišča za vzpostavitev evropske podatkovne infrastrukture za prostorske informacije v državah članicah EU, imenovane tudi INSPIRE (Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 March 2007 establishing an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE)).V veliki večini evropskih držav bo uskladitev določb Direktive INSPIRE z nacionalno zakonodajo izvedena s pripravo novega zakona, ki bo dodelil osrednje mesto državnim geodetskim in kartografskim službam. Državne geodetske službe so v obveznostih, ki jih državam članicam nalaga direktiva, videle priložnost za aktivno udejstvovanje. Za uspešno izvedbo Direktive INSPIRE je namreč ključnega pomena, da pri tem sodelujejo vsi upravljavci in uporabniki podatkov o prostoru in okolju (v nadaljevanju prostorskih podatkov), ki so navedeni v prilogah k direktivi. Tako je treba vzpostaviti tudi določene organizacijske strukture. Direktiva INSPIRE namreč opredeljuje način usklajevanja na področju prostorske podatkovne infrastrukture med državami članicami EU in institucijami EU. Izvajanje Direktive INSPIRE bo vplivalo na poslovanje vseh organov javne uprave, ki vodijo in vzdržujejo prostorske podatke. Več kot dve tretjini podatkov, navedenih v prilogah k Direktivi INSPIRE, so podatki, ki jih v Sloveniji že danes vodi in vzdržuje državna geodetska služba. EN: The Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council INSPIRE was adopted on 24th April 2008 and it entered into force on 15th May 2008. The transposition period into national legal framework is finishing and we are at the beginning of the implementation period. The purpose of the Directive is to lay down general rules aimed at the establishment of the infrastructure for spatial information in the European Community (hereinafter referred to as INSPIRE), for the purposes of Community environmental policies and policies or activities which may have an impact on environment. In many European countries the transposition phase will be done with adoption of a new law, where national mapping and cadastral agencies will have leading role. Successful implementation calls for strong cooperation between all stakeholders (data providers and users) from environmental and spatial fields. So it is necessary to establish appropriate coordination mechanisms and structures. Directive INSPIRE also defines organisational measures for the coordination in the field of spatial data infrastructure between Member States and Community institutions. The Republic of Slovenia state geodetic authority already manages more than two thirds of data types listed in annexes to the Directive INSPIRE. Metadata services and data viewers are already available to users through web portal ‘prostor’. Slovenian geodesy has already assured users good access to data and services related to spatial data and their use. Search services for most of the spatial data are available to users without unnecessary administrative obstacles and for the majority of spatial data also metadata descriptions exist. But we are facing a big challenge and responsibility for establishing Slovenian spatial data infrastructure (hereinafter SDI) and mechanisms for coordination of all stakeholders. It is necessary to define legal and technical details of spatial data interoperability, review data access rules for spatial data, which are managed by public authorities in Slovenia and harmonise pricing policy rules. In the article we try to describe possibilities and challenges the Slovenian geodetic sector is facing and are related to the establishment of Slovenian SDI.