Jurnal Elkomika (Jul 2024)

Uji Kinerja Ventilator pada Mode Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation (SIMV)


Journal volume & issue
Vol. 12, no. 3


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ABSTRAK Gagal napas terjadi ketika sistem pernapasan tidak mampu mempertahankan kadar oksigen yang memadai dalam darah, baik dengan atau tanpa akumulasi karbon dioksida. Ventilator adalah alat yang mendukung pernapasan seseorang yang mengalami gagal napas. Pengaturan ritme pernapasan oleh mesin sering kali dirasakan tidak nyaman oleh pasien yang sadar, sehingga diperlukan sinkronisasi antara ritme pernapasan pasien dan mesin. Kami telah mengembangkan sebuah ventilator bernama COVENT untuk mengatasi masalah ini. Dalam artikel ini, kami melaporkan hasil uji kinerja ventilator dalam mode Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation (SIMV). Hasil penelitian diuji dengan menggunakan VT gas flow analyzer, diperoleh akurasi pembacaan Positive End Expiratory Pressure (PEEP) sebesar 98,72%, akurasi volume yang dihasilkan sebesar 97,8-99,97% dari set volume yang ditetapkan dengan akurasi volume terbaca terhadap hasil uji VT gas flow analyzer sebesar 97,72-99,84%, akurasi pembacaan Peak Inspiratory Pressure (PIP) sebesar 97,77% dan akurasi deteksi usaha napas pasien 99,89%. Kata kunci: Mode SIMV, PEEP, PIP, Ventilator ABSTRACT Respiratory failure occurs when the respiratory system is unable to maintain adequate oxygen levels in the blood, either with or without carbon dioxide accumulation. A ventilator is a device that supports the breathing of someone who is experiencing respiratory failure. Regulating the breathing rhythm by a machine is often felt uncomfortable by conscious patients, so synchronization is needed between the patient's breathing rhythm and the machine. We have developed a ventilator called COVENT to overcome this problem. In this article, we report the results of ventilator performance tests in Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation (SIMV) mode. The results of the research were tested using a VT gas flow analyzer, the accuracy of the Positive End Expiratory Pressure (PEEP) reading was 98.72%, the resulting volume accuracy was 97.8-99.97% of the set volume determined with the accuracy of the volume read against the VT test results analyzer was 97.72-99.84%, the accuracy of the Peak Inspiratory Pressure (PIP) reading was 97.77% and the accuracy of detecting the patient's respiratory effort was 99.89%. Keywords: PEEP, PIP, SIMV Mode, Ventilator
