Indian Journal of Neonatal Medicine and Research (Jan 2018)
Candida Funisitis: Common Organism with Uncommon Presentation
Funisitis is the inflammation of umbilical cord while, chorioamnionitis is inflammation of placental membranes i.e., chorion and amnion. The mucus plug in lower genital tract acts as barrier during pregnancy. The intramniotic entry of Candida can be via haematogenous or penetration of intact membranes. Presence of intrauterine contraceptive device and prolonged rupture of membranes are proven risk factors for candidal infection. The prevalence of candidal vaginitis is high but involvement of placenta and subsequent fetal involvement is rare. Good placental examination especially, cords and membranes can clinch the diagnosis and can help in initiating investigations in the newborn for congenital candidiasis. We here presenting a case of 23-year-old fourth gravida female with previous two spontaneous abortions and history of preterm labour during current pregnancy came with complains of leaking per vagina at 33.6 weeks. The placenta sent for histopathological examination revealed presence of tiny yellowish white tubercles on umbilical cord especially near the site of insertion to placental disc. Microscopic examination of section of umbilical cord revealed presence of typical subamniontic neutrophilic micro abscesses along with candidal yeast as well as pseudohyphae forms the latter being highlighted by special stains for fungi.