Journal of Human, Earth, and Future (Dec 2024)
A Novel Framework for Evaluating Television Program Quality and Its Impact on Viewer Satisfaction and Loyalty
This study aims to analyze and synthesize the antecedents and consequences of television audience behavior, which are formed in a model of perception of television program quality and viewing satisfaction based on the Uses and Gratification Theory and the Theory of Repeat Patronage. Researchers have examined the Uses and Gratification Theory in their study of the audience's interaction with communication media, utilizing variables such as television show quality, viewing satisfaction, and loyalty. This study used quantitative methods and explanatory research with the SEM-AMOS analysis approach. The respondents from urban Yogyakarta and its surrounding area served as the sample population. The study's findings indicate that television program quality has a positive impact on viewing satisfaction. Furthermore, the program's quality influences viewer satisfaction, which in turn influences audience loyalty. The study's novelty is the demonstration that demographic factors (age, gender, location) do not significantly affect viewer satisfaction or loyalty. The study challenges traditional assumptions in media research, which often view demographic segmentation as a critical determinant in audience behavior. The finding emphasizes that program quality outweighs demographic considerations, suggesting that content creators should prioritize quality improvements over targeting specific demographic groups. In addition, the combination of SERVQUAL and Uses and Gratification Theory is worth considering. The integration of the SERVQUAL model with the Uses and Gratification Theory presents a novel framework for evaluating television programs. Despite the widespread application of these theories in various fields, their combination provides a more comprehensive understanding of audience behavior, emphasizing both the service quality aspects of television content and the psychological gratifications viewers seek. Doi: 10.28991/HEF-2024-05-04-013 Full Text: PDF