The effects of temperature and nanometer-sized bubbles (NBs) on a superior electric storage capacitor for anodically oxidized films of AlY10 amorphous alloys were determined at temperatures ranging from 275 to 298 K in 0.4 M H2SO4 solutions with NBs of ozone, oxygen, and carbon dioxide. The AAO specimen obtained by solution with carbon dioxide NBs at 278 K showed longer discharging time. The discharging time increases with increasing charging time and then saturates after around 70 s. The increment in temperature makes the structure from simple series capacitor with large capacitance to simple parallel capacitor with lower capacitance and larger resistance. The stability of NBs in water could be explained by enclosure in protonated polyhedral water clusters. The collapse of clusters with oxygen NBs result in the formation of OH− radicals and its resulting elution of Al, while carbon oxide NBs prevent the formation of OH− radicals, promoting sluggish oxidation that is required for the formation of AlO6 clusters.