Известия высших учебных заведений: Проблемы энергетики (Nov 2019)
Supersonic flow of two-phase gas- droplet flows in nozzles
For practical applications, the description of processes occurring during the flow of two-phase gas-liquid mixtures requires a simple physical and mathematical model that describes the behavior of a two-phase medium in the entire range of phase concentrations changes and in a wide range of pressure changes. Problems of this kind arise in various branches of industry and technology. In the space industry, one often has to deal with the movement of various gases in rocket nozzles, consider the combustion, condensation of various vapors on the nozzle walls and their further impact on the velocity sublayer at the nozzle wall. The large acoustic effect arising from the engines affects the gas-liquid mixture in the nozzles of rocket engines. In the metal industry, metal cooling occurs with the help of nozzles in which the emulsion mixture is supplied under high overpressure. But this is only a short list of applied issues in which one has to deal with a problem of this type. The paper presents the results and directions of study of the problems of two-phase dispersed gas-droplet flows in the nozzles. The main methods of investigation of two- phase heterogeneous flows are described. The main characteristics of heterogeneous two-phase flows in the nozzles, which were confirmed by experimental results, are presented. The calculation of the air-droplet flow in the Laval nozzle is given. The technique, which is based on integral energy equations for two-phase dispersed flows, is described. The main problems and questions concerning the further description and studying of two-component flows are stated.