E-Spania (Jun 2023)
Figuraciones y/o des-figuraciones autoriales en la obra de Cervantes
This paper is devoted to the identification and brief analysis of several passages in Cervantes' works that could be considered, explicitly or implicitly, as an antecedent of the genre of self-fiction –thus, in “The Information of Algiers”, The Galatea, the Voyage au Parnassus, the prologues of Don Quixote, the Exemplary Novels, as well as the Persiles. This analysis will attempt to reveal the complex network of pseudo-autobiographical meanings that Cervantes' texts establish with respect to the construction of the authorial subject, as well as the complex aesthetic positioning of his intentionality. Our study also postulates that in Cervantes' self-representations it is possible to identify fundamental principles of the poetics of the author of Don Quixote. Finally, it will be suggested that the most adequate notion to designate Cervantes' self-representation is that of authorial de-figuration, a concept that questions and rejects that of self-fiction.