ACROSS (Dec 2024)
Georgiana I. Badea, Despre culturem. După douăzeci de ani. Timișoara. Editura Universității de Vest din Timișoara, colecția “Metabole”, 2022, 150 p.
Georgiana I. Badea, university professor, hdr. at the Faculty of Letters of the West University of Timișoara, has published a book-synopsis of her constant preoccupations with the theory, conceptualisation and practice of a notion that is already a milestone in translatology and cultural studies in the broadest sense, namely, the notion of culturème, as the title of the work explicitly indicates: Sur le culturème. Twenty years later. A careful reading of the book suggests that it is more than a simple synopsis, a revisiting of key concepts and notions, but rather a quintessence in the etymological sense, a distillation to the fifth degree, of specialist literature.