Studia Universitatis Moldaviae: Stiinte reale si ale naturii (Dec 2015)


  • Maria GONŢA,
  • Larisa MOCANU,
  • Viorica IAMBERTEV

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 0, no. 1 (81)


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Cercetările de laborator au fost realizate pe sisteme-model ce conţin coloranţi textili ca componenţi de bază, iar în calitate de compuşi auxiliari au fost utilizate substanţe tensioactive şi poliacooli. Concentraţia componenţilor organici din sistemele studiate se micşorează în rezultatul utilizării metodelor fizico-chimice avansate. În prima etapă s-a realizat procesul de electroflotare, care are loc sub acţiunea gazelor electrolitice, urmat de oxidarea cu reagentul Fenton sau dioxid de titan la iradierea cu razele UV(Λ=365 nm). Probele care nu s-au epu-rat până la normele admisibile au fost supuse procesului de adsorbţie ulterioară a compuşilor remanenţi pe cărbunii activi. În rezultatul cercetărilor ştiinţifice s-a constatat ca gradul de epurare a apei de compuşi organici depinde de timpul de electroflotare şi de concentraţia surfactanţilor. Amestecul de coloranţi activi şi surfactanţi cationici din soluţiile-model poate fi epurat prin combinarea metodelor de electroflotare şi adsorbţie pe cărbunii activi, iar soluţiile, care conţin amestec de coloranţi direcţi şi activi şi surfac-tanţi anionici, pot fi epurate prin combinarea metodelor de electroflotare, oxidare catalitică cu peroxid de hidrogen şi adsorbţie pe cărbuni activi. În prezenţa polialcoolilor (etilenglicol) efectul de înlăturare a amestecului de coloranţi, surfactanţi şi etilenglicol se micşorează; astfel, soluţiile nu se epurează până la normele sanitare.REMOVAL OF TEXTILE DYES AND SURFACTANTS FROM MODEL SOLUTIONS BY USING PHYSICOCHEMICAL METHODSLaboratory research has been conducted on model systems containing textile dyes as basic components, and as auxiliary compounds were used surfactants and polyalcohols. The concentration of the organic components of the studied systems is reduced as a result of using advanced physic-chemical methods. At first stage was performed electrofloatation process that takes place under the action of electrolytic gases, which was followed by oxidation with Fenton's reagent or titanium dioxide with UV irradiation (Λ=365 nm). Samples that have not been treatment to acceptable standards have been subjected to the subsequent adsorption process of compounds remaining onactive carbon. As a result of scientific research it was found that the degree of water purification by organic compounds depends on the time of electrofloatation and surfactant concentration. The mixture of active dyes and cationic surfactants in model solutions may be treated by a combination of electro-floatation and adsorption methods on active carbon, and the solutions containing a mixture of direct and active dyes, anionic surfactants can be purified by combining electrofloatation, catalytic oxidation with hydrogen peroxide methods, and adsorption on active carbon. In the presence of polyalcohols (ethylene glycol) the effect of removing the mixture of dyes, surfactants and ethylene glycol decreases,therefore, solutions are not purified to the sanitary norms, even in case of combining electrofloatation, catalytic oxidation and adsorption on active carbon methods.
