Ciência Rural (May 2020)

Arytenoid chondritis in two calves

  • Mariana Oliveira Bonow,
  • Maira dos Santos Carneiro Lacerda,
  • Márcio Botelho de Castro,
  • Pedro Miguel Ocampos Pedroso,
  • José Renato Junqueira Borges,
  • Benito Soto-Blanco,
  • Antonio Carlos Lopes Câmara

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 50, no. 6


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ABSTRACT: Although, calf diphtheria and necrotic laryngitis are common infections in the oral cavity’s soft tissues, arytenoid chondritis is addressed as a serious but rarely diagnosed complication in cattle. This paper aimed to describe clinical, laboratory, imaging, and pathological findings in two calves with arytenoid chondritis. A 2-month-old Jersey calf and a 3-month-old Girolando calf presented 40-days history of respiratory distress. In the former, oral endoscopy revealed enlarged and immobile arytenoids with major involvement of the left arytenoid, causing severe distortion and partial obstruction of the rima glottidis. In the latter, latero-lateral radiography of the head revealed radiolucent areas and thickening at the level of the larynx to the dorsal trachea. Pathological examination of one calf showed neutrophilic multifocal inflammatory infiltrate and areas of necrosis in the cricoarytenoid cartilage, surrounded by abscessation. Definitive diagnosis of arytenoid chondritis in these two calves was established on the basis of clinical, laboratory, imaging (endoscopy and radiography), and pathological findings. Daily and careful observation of the herds and the use of ancillary diagnostic methods allowed the early diagnosis of the disease, and accurate diagnosis can improve prognosis and increase treatment success rate.
