NURE Investigación (Nov 2010)

Postnatal breastfeeding promote: support groups

  • Eva Mª Ortega Ballesteros,
  • Sofía Piñero Navero,
  • Granada Alarcos Merino,
  • Tania Arenas Orta,
  • Virginia Jiménez Iglesias

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 7, no. 49


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Objectives: Describe the profile of women and their motivations for attending support groups. Describe the assessment of women on the resolution of the problems that have arisen during their attendance at support groups. Assess the degree of satisfaction with the service received.Material and methods: The research was carried out in the health zone of “Obispo Paulo de Mérida” (Badajoz) in the breast feeding support group. A descriptive transversal study was realised. The surveys were done ad hoc and collected during the support group sessions between May 2007 and December 2007. All the women who passed three months of breast feeding and who wished to participate were included in the research. Outcomes: 77.5% of the mothers solved their problems with breastfeeding thanks to the group. All the mothers describe the period of breastfeeding as pleasant and 95 % of them emphasize the importance of attending the group. All the mothers considered that attending the group was a positive experience. The main reason why they decided to attend the group was due to having problems with breastfeeding, 37.5 %.Conclusions: Breastfeeding supporting groups directed by the primary attention midwife can be considered as a useful tool in promotion postnatal breastfeeding. It gives information to the problems solving their problems.
