Koers : Bulletin for Christian Scholarship (May 2018)

Early Education of orphans and vulnerable children: A crucial aspect for social justice and African development

  • Jace Pillay

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 83, no. 1


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In the last decade there has been a significant escalation in the number of orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) in various parts of the world, more particularly, in Sub-Saharan Africa. The author strongly asserts that early childhood education is the main vehicle to address the concerns of OVC in order for them to develop skills and human capital as future adults in order to improve the outcomes for governance and economic development in Africa. He argues on the basis of inclusion that a social justice framework is essential in taking the rights of OVC into consideration. Adopting a bio-ecological systems theoretical model the author presents research findings on the educational, psychological and social experiences of OVC to motivate the need for African governments to take on the responsibility of addressing the plight of OVC through early childhood development and education interventions if they are serious about economic sustainability and prosperity. Although the research discussed in this paper was conducted in South Africa the author believes that the findings could easily depict what happens in the rest of Africa. In concluding, the author considers the implications of the findings in relation to future policies and directions needed for crucial development in Africa. OPSOMMING Gedurende die laaste dekade was daar ‘n aansienlike verhoging in die aantal wees- en kwesbare kinders (WKK) regoor die wêreld maar veral in Sub-Sahara Afrika. Die skrywer argumenteer sterk dat vroeë- kinderopvoeding die hoof voertuig is om die bekommernisse oor WKK aan te spreek deur die ontwikkeling van vaardighede en menslikekapitaal vir toekomstige volwassenes en daardeur die bestuur en ekonomiese ontwikkeling in Afrika te stimuleer. Hy agumenteer dat deur inklusieweopvoeding ‘n sosiaal regverdige raamwerk belangrik is om die regte van WKK in ag te neem. Deur van ‘n bio-ekologiesesisteemsteorie model gebruik te maak hou die skrywer navorsings voor gebasseer op die opvoedkundige, sielkundige en sosiaale ervaringe van WKK om die behoefte vir die aanvaarding van verantwoordelikheid om die lot WWK deur vroee-kinderontwikkeling en –opvoedkundige intervensies deur regeings in Afrika te motiveer indien hulle ernstig is oor ekonomiesevolhoubaarheid en –voorspoed. Alhoewel die navorsing wat in hierdie referaat bespreek word in Suid Afrika gedoen was glo die skrywer dat die bevindinge verteenwoordigend is van dit wat in die res van Afrika gebeur. Ter afsluiting, die skrywer beskou die implikasies ten opsigte van die bevindinge, deurslaggewend vir toekomstige beleids- en opvoedkundige-rigtinggewing vir die noodsaaklike ontwikkeling in Afrika. https://doi.org/10.19108/KOERS.83.1.2335
