Effects of biodiversity strengthen over time as ecosystem functioning declines at low and increases at high biodiversity
Sebastian T. Meyer,
Anne Ebeling,
Nico Eisenhauer,
Lionel Hertzog,
Helmut Hillebrand,
Alexandru Milcu,
Sven Pompe,
Maike Abbas,
Holger Bessler,
Nina Buchmann,
Enrica De Luca,
Christof Engels,
Markus Fischer,
Gerd Gleixner,
Anika Hudewenz,
Alexandra‐Maria Klein,
Hans deKroon,
Sophia Leimer,
Hannah Loranger,
Liesje Mommer,
Yvonne Oelmann,
Janneke M. Ravenek,
Christiane Roscher,
Tanja Rottstock,
Christoph Scherber,
Michael Scherer‐Lorenzen,
Stefan Scheu,
Bernhard Schmid,
Ernst‐Detlef Schulze,
Andrea Staudler,
Tanja Strecker,
Vicky Temperton,
Teja Tscharntke,
Anja Vogel,
Winfried Voigt,
Alexandra Weigelt,
Wolfgang Wilcke,
Wolfgang W. Weisser
Sebastian T. Meyer
Terrestrial Ecology Research Group Department of Ecology and Ecosystem Management School of Life Sciences Weihenstephan Technical University of Munich Hans‐Carl‐von‐Carlowitz‐Platz 2 85354 Freising Germany
Anne Ebeling
Institute of Ecology University of Jena Dornburger Str. 159 07743 Jena Germany
Nico Eisenhauer
German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle‐Jena‐Leipzig Deutscher Platz 5e 04103 Leipzig Germany
Lionel Hertzog
Terrestrial Ecology Research Group Department of Ecology and Ecosystem Management School of Life Sciences Weihenstephan Technical University of Munich Hans‐Carl‐von‐Carlowitz‐Platz 2 85354 Freising Germany
Helmut Hillebrand
Institute for Chemistry and Biology of Marine Environments [ICBM] Carl‐von‐Ossietzky University Oldenburg Schleusenstr. 1 26382 Wilhelmshaven Germany
Alexandru Milcu
CNRS Ecotron (UPS‐3248) 1 Chemin du Rioux, Campus de Bailargue 34980 Montferrier‐sur‐Lez France
Sven Pompe
Terrestrial Ecology Research Group Department of Ecology and Ecosystem Management School of Life Sciences Weihenstephan Technical University of Munich Hans‐Carl‐von‐Carlowitz‐Platz 2 85354 Freising Germany
Maike Abbas
Institute for Chemistry and Biology of Marine Environments [ICBM] Carl‐von‐Ossietzky University Oldenburg Schleusenstr. 1 26382 Wilhelmshaven Germany
Holger Bessler
Institute of Plant Nutrition Humboldt‐Universität zu Berlin Albrecht‐Thaer‐Weg 4 14195 Berlin Germany
Nina Buchmann
Institute of Agricultural Sciences ETH Zurich Universitaetsstr. 2 8092 Zurich Switzerland
Enrica De Luca
Institute of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies Zurich‐Basel Plant Science Center University of Zurich Winterthurerstr. 190 8057 Zurich Switzerland
Christof Engels
Institute of Plant Nutrition Humboldt‐Universität zu Berlin Albrecht‐Thaer‐Weg 4 14195 Berlin Germany
Markus Fischer
Institute of Plant Sciences University of Bern Altenbergrain 21 3013 Bern Switzerland
Gerd Gleixner
Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry Hans‐Knoell‐Str. 10 07745 Jena Germany
Anika Hudewenz
Leuphana University Lueneburg Scharnhorststr. 1 21335 Lueneburg Germany
Alexandra‐Maria Klein
Chair of Nature Conservation & Landscape Ecology University of Freiburg Tennenbacher Str. 4 79106 Freiburg Germany
Hans deKroon
Institute for Water and Wetland Research, Exp. Plant Ecology Radboud University 6500 GL Nijmegen The Netherlands
Sophia Leimer
Institute of Geography and Geoecology Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Reinhard‐Baumeister‐Platz 1 76131 Karlsruhe Germany
Hannah Loranger
Institut für Biologie und Umweltwissenschaften AG Funktionelle Ökologie der Pflanzen Universität Oldenburg 26111 Oldenburg Germany
Liesje Mommer
Nature Conservation and Plant Ecology Group Wageningen University PO Box 47 6700 AA Wageningen The Netherlands
Yvonne Oelmann
Geoecology University of Tübingen Rümelinstr. 19‐23 72070 Tübingen Germany
Janneke M. Ravenek
Institute for Water and Wetland Research, Exp. Plant Ecology Radboud University 6500 GL Nijmegen The Netherlands
Christiane Roscher
German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle‐Jena‐Leipzig Deutscher Platz 5e 04103 Leipzig Germany
Tanja Rottstock
Institute of Biochemistry and Biology Biodiversity Research/Systematic Botany University of Potsdam Maulbeerallee 1 14469 Potsdam Germany
Christoph Scherber
Agroecology University of Göttingen Grisebachstr. 6 37077 Göttingen Germany
Michael Scherer‐Lorenzen
Faculty of Biology – Geobotany University of Freiburg Schaenzlestr. 1 79104 Freiburg Germany
Stefan Scheu
J.F. Blumenbach Institute of Zoology and Anthropology Georg August University Göttingen Berliner Str. 28 37073 Göttingen Germany
Bernhard Schmid
Institute of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies Zurich‐Basel Plant Science Center University of Zurich Winterthurerstr. 190 8057 Zurich Switzerland
Ernst‐Detlef Schulze
Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry Hans‐Knoell‐Str. 10 07745 Jena Germany
Andrea Staudler
Department of Ecology and Ecosystem Modelling Institute of Biochemistry and Biology University of Potsdam Am Neuen Palais 10 14469 Potsdam Germany
Tanja Strecker
J.F. Blumenbach Institute of Zoology and Anthropology Georg August University Göttingen Berliner Str. 28 37073 Göttingen Germany
Vicky Temperton
Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry Hans‐Knoell‐Str. 10 07745 Jena Germany
Teja Tscharntke
Agroecology University of Göttingen Grisebachstr. 6 37077 Göttingen Germany
Anja Vogel
Institute of Ecology University of Jena Dornburger Str. 159 07743 Jena Germany
Winfried Voigt
Institute of Ecology University of Jena Dornburger Str. 159 07743 Jena Germany
Alexandra Weigelt
Institute of Biology University of Leipzig Johannisallee 21 04103 Leipzig Germany
Wolfgang Wilcke
Institute of Geography and Geoecology Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Reinhard‐Baumeister‐Platz 1 76131 Karlsruhe Germany
Wolfgang W. Weisser
Terrestrial Ecology Research Group Department of Ecology and Ecosystem Management School of Life Sciences Weihenstephan Technical University of Munich Hans‐Carl‐von‐Carlowitz‐Platz 2 85354 Freising Germany
Abstract Human‐caused declines in biodiversity have stimulated intensive research on the consequences of biodiversity loss for ecosystem services and policy initiatives to preserve the functioning of ecosystems. Short‐term biodiversity experiments have documented positive effects of plant species richness on many ecosystem functions, and longer‐term studies indicate, for some ecosystem functions, that biodiversity effects can become stronger over time. Theoretically, a biodiversity effect can strengthen over time by an increasing performance of high‐diversity communities, by a decreasing performance of low‐diversity communities, or a combination of both processes. Which of these two mechanisms prevail, and whether the increase in the biodiversity effect over time is a general property of many functions remains currently unclear. These questions are an important knowledge gap as a continuing decline in the performance of low‐diversity communities would indicate an ecosystem‐service debt resulting from delayed effects of species loss on ecosystem functioning. Conversely, an increased performance of high‐diversity communities over time would indicate that the benefits of biodiversity are generally underestimated in short‐term studies. Analyzing 50 ecosystem variables over 11 years in the world's largest grassland biodiversity experiment, we show that overall plant diversity effects strengthened over time. Strengthening biodiversity effects were independent of the considered compartment (above‐ or belowground), organizational level (ecosystem variables associated with the abiotic habitat, primary producers, or higher trophic levels such as herbivores and pollinators), and variable type (measurements of pools or rates). We found evidence that biodiversity effects strengthened because of both a progressive decrease in functioning in species‐poor and a progressive increase in functioning in species‐rich communities. Our findings provide evidence that negative feedback effects at low biodiversity are as important for biodiversity effects as complementarity among species at high biodiversity. Finally, our results indicate that a current loss of species will result in a future impairment of ecosystem functioning, potentially decades beyond the moment of species extinction.