ACROSS (Jun 2023)
Permanență și schimbare în dinamica obiceiurilor calendaristice locale
Today, customs continue to preserve their old functions and forms, but along with traditional customs, new customs appear as a response to the new living conditions. The customs have lost much of their ritual values, emphasizing the ceremonial, artistic ones. The changes felt in today's Romanian village are obvious, especially after the Second World War. An indissoluble link is formed between tradition and innovation, the former not excluding the path to progress. In today's times, the creator comes out of isolation thanks to the mass media, the possibility to travel both in the country and abroad, to participate in various folk-art fairs, thus having the privilege of creating new artistic forms in response to current needs, these being no longer the same for all social categories. Folklore is a living phenomenon, therefore in constant transformation, all folklore categories being characterized by mobility.