Опухоли женской репродуктивной системы (Aug 2014)

Clinical and radiological evaluation of breast polyneoplasms

  • N. I. Rozhkova,
  • I. M. Frolov

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 0, no. 2
pp. 21 – 25


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Background. The past decades have been marked by a rise in the incidence of polyneoplasia (PNP), including that of the breast, which necessitates a more in-depth analysis of its manifestations.Materials and methods. The study was based on the results of a complex radiological and postmortem examination in 120 women with different types of breast PNP (BPNP) and 6 with metastatic breast lesion.Results. The procedure for radiological and postmortem studies in BPNP was improved; the optimal diagnostic complex developed; and the radiation semiotics of different types of BPNP clarified.Conclusion. Overall, the comprehensive approach to the examination to be made by one specialist who can use a broad spectrum of vari- ous procedures and competent in allied specialties has allowed the objective criteria for BPNP to be defined.
