中西医结合护理 (Dec 2023)
Application of nursing project management to reduce the contamination rate of urine culture (实施护理专案管理降低住院患者中段尿培养采集污染率)
Objective To reduce the contamination rate of urine culture by using nursing project management. Methods A nursing project management team was established, and urine culture test of 318 hospitalized patients were retrospectively analyzed. The current situation of contamination of urine culture was analyzed, and improvement goals and measures were carried out. The contamination rate of urine culture in 272hospitalized patients was observed. Results The contamination rate of urine culture was decreased form 26. 10%(83/318)before implementation of nursing project management to 4. 78%(13/272)after implementation of nursing project management, with a significant difference(P<0. 05). Conclusion The nursing project management is effective to reduce the contamination rate of urine culture for hospitalized patients, and improve the quality of nephrology nursing (目的 开展护理专案活动降低肾内科住院患者中段尿培养采集污染率。方法 成立护理专案小组, 分析2021年1月—12月收治的318 名住院患者的尿培养采集结果, 确定 “降低肾内科住院患者中段尿培养采集污染率”的活动主题, 分析现状, 找出问题, 制定目标, 制定并实施对策。统计2022年1月—12月开展专案改善活动后的272例患者尿培养采集结果。结果 肾内科住院患者中段尿培养采集污染率由专案改善活动前的26. 10%(83/318)降低至4. 78%(13/272), 差异有统计学意义(P<0. 05)。结论 针对肾内科住院患者中段尿培养采集污染问题采取护理专案活动, 不仅能够有效降低尿培养采集污染率, 还能够提高专科护理质量。)