Xibei Gongye Daxue Xuebao (Jun 2019)
Multi-Stage Star Image Identification Method of Three Field-of-View Star Sensor
To improve the low efficiency and low navigation star identification rate of existing star image identification methods for three field-of-view (FOV) star sensor, a multi-stage star image identification method is proposed. Firstly, the generalized regression neural network which has only one adjustable parameter, is used to identify the star images in each field-of-view. Secondly, the star angular distance saved in the navigation star database is used to verify the identification results, and then the optical directions of the three FOVs are calculated by using the correctly identified navigation stars. Thirdly, the optical directions are utilized to auxiliary correct the unidentified and erroneous identified navigation stars. Finally, the high-accuracy probe attitude is estimated by using the correctly identified navigation stars in the three FOVs. The simulation results show that the identification rates of the experimental samples is of 98.9% when the standard deviation of star centroid positioning error increases to 0.07 pixels, but the identification time is only of 8.464 5 ms. Meanwhile, since the three field-of-view star sensor captures the more dispersed navigation stars, the probe attitude accuracy of yaw, pitch and roll angles by using the present method is improved evidently, which is of 1.205 8″, 1.086 7″, and 1.201 8″, respectively.